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Berichtdoor ert » 25 Mei 2005 5:26

I read the whole dyscalculia site a year ago, I probably should read it again. I read this and that section when I need answers for something special though.

I turned the site into a word-document too! I didn't have the energy to read all that on a computer, and it looks awful.

I spoke with Renee Newman a litte over a month ago, I finally found an email of hers that works (the one she writes on the site is a closed account). Anyways, she's still interested in all this, but 4 kids and a master's degree since 1997 has stopped her from doing anything about dyscalculia.org.

Plus, a couple of years ago the site crashed and that's why some of the links don't work. (You can always cheat with http://www.archive.org/ ;))

She said that she wanted to update the site, but I don't know when. Oh, but her personal site has been updated - http://reneenewman.net/
Laatst gewijzigd door ert op 26 Mei 2005 4:41, in totaal 1 keer gewijzigd.
Berichten: 12
Geregistreerd: 13 Mei 2005 15:04

Berichtdoor Renée » 25 Mei 2005 10:48

Maybe I should help her with the site....its important all info is saved.
Isn't is weird that her name and mine is Renée and we both own an org domain? Can you provide me with her e-mail address? (in pm or to my e-mail maybe)
Site Admin
Berichten: 532
Geregistreerd: 01 Sep 2003 13:51
Woonplaats: Gelderland

Berichtdoor ert » 26 Mei 2005 4:45

Yeah it's funny that you both are named Reneé :)

The email adress can be found on her personal site. I think she wants to do it herself though, because wouldn't she have hired someone to do it for her, if not?
Berichten: 12
Geregistreerd: 13 Mei 2005 15:04

Berichtdoor ert » 08 Jun 2005 5:04

Hey, did you ever talk to her? :D
Berichten: 12
Geregistreerd: 13 Mei 2005 15:04

Berichtdoor Renée » 08 Jun 2005 7:40

Hoi Mette,

Nope not yet. I am very slow, due to webdesigning and kid that that has a lot of tests and needs support......just not in math from me :).
I have a lot of things added to a list which I hope to accomplish before the summer. As being a woman I have the capability to multitask....but way too many tasks at the moment!
I will get there though :)
Site Admin
Berichten: 532
Geregistreerd: 01 Sep 2003 13:51
Woonplaats: Gelderland

Berichtdoor ert » 09 Jun 2005 9:07

Ok 8)
Berichten: 12
Geregistreerd: 13 Mei 2005 15:04

Re: Hi!

Berichtdoor NicolaPaganini » 02 Sep 2024 9:31


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Berichten: 1
Geregistreerd: 02 Sep 2024 9:26

Re: Hi!

Berichtdoor xobby » 05 Nov 2024 13:56

Berichten: 111321
Geregistreerd: 05 Nov 2024 7:33


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