International Dyscalculia Day - 03.03.08

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International Dyscalculia Day - 03.03.08

Berichtdoor ert » 26 Nov 2007 18:15

Hi everyone!

I'm ert from - the international dyscalculia forum.

A while back our members started to discuss if there should be a dyscalculia awareness day (you know, like World Aids Day), and since everybody liked the idea we have made it official: the first international dyscalculia day is going to be in March 2008 - 03.03.08. That leaves us three months to plan everything. And by "us" we mean everyone who are interested in spreading the word. You don't have to be a member of the international forum to do something on dyscalculia day - it's a day for everyone.

We've made a new subforum to plan the dyscalculia day, and we need you to join the discussion. All of us decide what to do on the day and how we should do it, so come join us!

I've asked Reneé if she would translate this post and add it to the general forum here - if only I spoke Dutch!
Berichten: 12
Geregistreerd: 13 Mei 2005 15:04

Berichtdoor Administrator » 03 Dec 2007 13:26


Sorry for the delay, will translate this as soon as possible! It is a madhouse here.. :shock:
met vriendelijke groet,
Administratie Dyscalculie
Site Admin
Berichten: 30
Geregistreerd: 01 Sep 2003 10:29
Woonplaats: Gelderland

Re: International Dyscalculia Day - 03.03.08

Berichtdoor stevecol190 » 07 Mrt 2017 10:23

hi i'm just interested in this.goldenslot
Berichten: 1
Geregistreerd: 07 Mrt 2017 10:12

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